Tarptautinė konferencija “Mokslas, inovacijos ir lytiškumas”
Konferencija skiriama antrosios Marija Sklodovska-Kiuri (Marie Skłodowska Curie) Nobelio premijos šimtmečiui paminėti
Announcement PDF Spausdinti El. paštas
International Conference

Science, Innovation and Gender

24-25 of November, 2011 in


The conference is dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Marie Sklodovska-Curie's second Nobel prize. The conference is taken under the patronage of Lithuanian National Commission for UNESCO. The 100-year anniversary of the second Nobel Prize in chemistry awarded to Marie Curie – one of the most outstanding women scientists – is an excellent occasion to call society’s attention to the strong input of women scientists in sciences and to discuss problems related to rising of women involvement into research activities. The conference is seen as interdisciplinary,  presentations will be delivered by scientists from various fields (astronomy, physics, chemistry, biochemistry, sociology etc).


The main topics to be discussed at the conference are:


  • How the scientific achievements of women scientists contribute to the development of sciences?
  • How significant is the input of women in attracting the youth to the scientific activity?
  • How the increase of women scientists’ potential is related to the existing work culture?
  • Relations between science and business: input by women scientists into the innovative economy.


The conference will have two types of scientific sessions: plenary (with invited speakers) and a poster session.


There is no conference fee!

Abstracsts of presentations are going to be published.

The exhibition of scientific books written by Lithuanian women scientists will run during the conference.

Important dates:

Registration to the conference will be opened until the 20th of November, 2011.
Deadline for the submission of abstracts – 20th of November, 2011. 

 Basnet InfoBalt




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