Institute of Theoretical Physics and Astronomy Institute of Theoretical Physics and Astronomy

Dr. Habil. Gražina Tautvaišienė

Head, Chief Researcher

Room B430
Phone +370 5 223 4666
  • Chemical evolution of galaxies
    • Investigation of origin of Galactic kinematical substructures
    • Elemental abundances in stars of the Galactic thick disk
    • Open clusters as probes of the Galactic disk evolution
  • Mixing in stellar atmospheres
    • Helium-core-burning stars in the Galactic field and clusters
    • RS CVn stars
  • Stellar photometry
    • Spectral sensitivity to C, N, O and alpha-process element abundances
    • Determination of fundamental atmospheric parameters

Major involvement in scientific projects:

  1. Principal investigator of the 2014-2020 Operational Programme for the European Union Funds Investments in Lithuania project “Stellar and exoplanet investigations in the context of the TESS and JWST space missions”, supported via the Lithuanian Science Council grant No. 09.3.3-LMT-K-712-01-0103, 2018-2022;
  2. Horizon2020 project “Europlanet 2020 – Research Infrastructure”, coordinator in Lithuania, 2015-2019;
  3. Horizon2020 ERASMUS+ project “European Astrobiology Campus”, coordinator in Lithuania, 2014-2016;
  4. Responsible person in Lithuania for the ”Gaia-ESO Public Spectroscopic Survey”, 2011-2018;
  5. Initiator and a head of the Executive board of the European Structural Funds project ”Promotion of Lithuanian Scientists in usage of Large Scientific Infrastructures of European Union”, 2006-2008 ;
  6. Responsible person for the EU Framework Programme projects ”Baltic grid II”, 2008-2010;
  7. Responsible person for the EU Framework Programme projects “Baltic grid”, 2005-2008;
  8. Lithuanian Ministry of Science and Education LitGrid programme, (2005–2009);
  9. Lithuanian Science and Studies Foundation GridTechno project, (2008–2009);
  10. Responsible person for the Intergovernmental programme project ”Taivan-Baltic Open Cluster Study” 2002-2005;
  11. Responsible person for the Nordic-Baltic research framework by Nordic Council of Ministers in ”Astrophotometry in the next decade” 1999-2002.

Institute of Theoretical Physics and Astronomy, Saulėtekio av. 3, 10257 Vilnius, LITHUANIA, phone +370 5 2234636, fax +370 5 2234637,