Teorinės fizikos ir astronomijos institutas Teorinės fizikos ir astronomijos institutas
Jungtinis teorinės fizikos seminaras

Seminaro vadovas:  prof.  habil. dr. Bronislovas KAULAKYS
Tematika: fizikos krypties disertacijų svarstymas, teorinės fizikos aktualūs  klausimai.
Pranešėjų ir klausytojų kontingentas:  Lietuvos tizikai teoretikai, doktorantai bei užsienio svečiai.
Detalesnė informacija: tel. 2193254, el. paštas: bronislovas.kaulakys@tfai.vu.lt

Prof. Luis Santos (Hanoverio universitetas, Vokietija) pranešimas

Antradienį, spalio 2 d. 11 val. 432 kamb. Prof. Luis Santos (Hanoverio universitetas, Vokietija) skaitys pranešimą

 "Novel scenarios for cold atoms in optical lattices"

Kvieciame dalyvauti!

Pranešimo santrauka:

Ultra-cold atoms in optical lattices offer extraordinary possibilities of control. Inter-particle interactions and lattice geometry may be modified to a large extent, even in real time. This opens interesting novel possibilities that I would like to explore in this talk. I will review in particular three different scenarios which we have recently studied. I will first discuss about polar gases in one-dimensional optical lattices, analyzing specifically the role that different forms of disorder may play in theses systems, and in particular in the so-called Haldane-insulator phase [1]. In the second part of the talk I will comment on the physics of bosons in zig-zag lattices [2]. I will show that the lattice geometry leads to chiral superfluidity and to Mott-insulator at vanishingly low interactions. Moreover, constrained bosons with a three-body hard-core may allow for the observation of a Haldane-insulator in absence of polar interactions. I will finish the talk with the analysis of lattice gases with periodically modulated interactions, which via Floquet theorem result in an effective lattice model with non-linear hopping dependening on the occupation difference at neighboring sites. I will show that this non-linear hopping results in a rich novel physics, including pair superfluidity, defect-free Mott insulators, and holon- and doublon-superfluids [3]. Interestingly, the interface between holon and doublon superfluids may be clearly revealed experimentally by abrupt density drops in harmonically trapped lattice gases.

[1] X. Deng, R. Citro, E. Orignac, A. Minguzzi, and L. Santos, arXiv:1203.0505
[2] Ultra-cold bosons in zig-zag optical lattices, S. Greschner, L. Santos and T. Vekua, arXiv:1202.5386
[3] Ultracold lattice gases with periodically modulated interactions, A. Rapp, X. Deng and L. Santos, arXiv:1207.0641

Teorinės fizikos ir astronomijos institutas, Saulėtekio al. 3, 10257 Vilnius, LIETUVA, tel. +370 5 2234636, faks. +370 5 2234637, tfai@tfai.vu.lt